
Problem H

The Colorado School of Mines Department of Computer Science loves sending its students to hackathons all over the country. Hackathons are events where teams of student are given $24$ hours to create a project from scratch and demo it to judges. The teams with the best “hacks” (projects) win prizes such as Nintendo Switches.

The students of the Mines Computer Science Department want to know the cumulative monetary value of the prizes they can expect to make if they attend $N$ hackathons. The students know that in the past, they win an average of $P$ dollars worth of prizes per hackathon.

Your job is to calculate the cumulative monetary value of the prizes that the students can expect to win at the $N$ hackathons.


The first line contains a single integer $N$, representing the number of hackathons that the students plan to attend.

The second line contains a single integer, $C$, representing the amount of money the Mines Computer Science Department will spend sending the students to the $N$ hackathons.

The third line contains a single integer $P$, representing the average monetary value of the prizes that the students win per hackathon.

Input Restrictions

  • $0 < N \leq 100$

  • $0 < C \leq 100\, 000$

  • $0 < P \leq 20\, 000$


The first and only line of the output should contain the cumulative monetary value of the prizes that the students can expect to win at the $N$ hackathons.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1

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